3. Caldecott Bridge SU 487965
Visited:- 7.5.60: 31.5.60: 18.6.60: 22.9.60
Access:- *Track from A.34 on W bank at farm
Photograph Nos:-
Observations:- Bridge no longer exists but there is a very slight hump in the A34 at the crossing point. Farm is still there, also row of small cottages southwest of bridge (doubtful authenticity). There was a wharf ('Tythe') west of bridge on south bank.
*Line re-appears about 200 yards west of bridge and is embanked: double hedged and very overgrown: bed accessible in one or two places,
with aquatic-type plants still growing in it.
C.E. Faulkner Field Excursions 1958-66
3. Caldecott Bridge SU 487965
Visited:- 7.5.60: 31.5.60: 18.6.60: 22.9.60
Access:- *Track from A.34 on W bank at farm
Photograph Nos:-
Observations:- Bridge no longer exists but there is a very slight hump in the A34 at the crossing point. Farm is still there, also row of small cottages southwest of bridge (doubtful authenticity). There was a wharf ('Tythe') west of bridge on south bank.
*Line re-appears about 200 yards west of bridge and is embanked: double hedged and very overgrown: bed accessible in one or two places,
with aquatic-type plants still growing in it.
C.E. Faulkner Field Excursions 1958-66
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