No 100 Dragonfly Spring 2006

Cover Photo; Double Bridge at Pewsham. Photogragher Melksham, Calne & Chippenham Branch.

From Chair to Chief Executive: Ken Oliver announces his relinguishing the Chair to take up the new post of Chief Executive of the Trust.

New Thames Junction at Abingdon; A brief article, with photographs of preparatory work for the new junction

Fundraising - What's consultation got to do with it ? An article on fundraising by Martin Buckland, Fundraising Director.

Pioneer - The Trust Trip boat at Swindon - as well as pleasure 'a splendid advert for the Wilts and Berks development'

The view from Dragonfly 1; A look back by Peter Boyce editor of the 1st Dragonfly in 1977

Our own letter from America: Another look back to the beginning of the Canal Group in 1977 by Avice Wilson, now living in the USA, but who has been a member of the Group and The Trust since its inauguration

No 101 Dragonfly Summer 2006

Cover Photo; Kingshill restored section, Swindon Photographer Richard Bellamy

The editorial sums up a number of important events in the past quarter

Chairman's report; In his first report, the new Chairman, John Laverick introduces himself and calls on members to be active in anyway they are able.

Chief Executive's report; Ken Oliver explains something of his new post and outlines various plans and projects in hand. He notes the visit of the IWA Narrowboat 'Jubilee' to Canal Walk on July 4th. This is her 3rd countrywide voyage campaigning for restoration projects as part of IWA's Diamond Jubilee .

Trust welcomes Royal Patron; A short piece on the Duchess of Cornwall becoming patron of the Trust

No 102 Dragonfly Autumn 2006

Cover Photo; Abingdon Junction Opening with insert picture of Ribbon Cutting Photographers Graham Smith & Doug Small

Partnership News: This includes details of the Jubilee Junction celebrations and news of the progress of the Lottery bid which has reached the final stages and has already produced a £250,000 Award. a water resources report is to be produced in connection with the Lottery Bid. N Wilts have commissioned a consultation exercise to demonstrate Community support. The final Melksham report is expected in a few weeks and the route to the south and the K&A; junction is known.

Around the Branches Reports from along the line. These include from Foxham & Lyneham the completion of Lock 3 chamber (Seven Locks). An engineering study is underway which looks at the route from Chaddington Lane, past the landfill site in the Wootton Bassett area. The River Key aqueduct at Cricklade has been completed. In West Vale work is going ahead on the reconstruction of Steppingstones Bridge. At East Vale the big story is the Jubilee Junction

No 103 Dragonfly Winter 2006

Cover Photo; The Canal in water at Wootton Bassett : Richard Bellamy

The Chairman's Report speaks of discussions recently held with Derek Cockrane, Regeneration Director of British Waterways. The Chairman has also had a meeting with the Swindon and Cricklade Railway which is the Trust's principal partner in the Cricklade Country Way Partnership. Looking to the future the Association of Inland Navigation Authorities have agreed to admit the W&B; Trust as an Associate Member.

A Year at Pewsham; An account of the work of the Melksham, Calne & Chippenham Branch at the section of Canal from Pewsham locks towards Reybridge near Lacock.

No 104 Dragonfly Spring 2007

Cover Photo; Construction work at Purton Road Bridge, Swindon (Gary Mason )

Chairman's report congratulates all those who assisted in getting to the target of 2006 members by the end of 2006.

Around the Branches: At Foxham & Lyneham work continues on Seven Locks. In the Wootton Bassett section the spillweir at Chaddington is well on the way to completion. In Swindon reference is made to the work at Moredon "the first part of the Canal all the way from Moredon to Cricklade via the Lottery bid (watch this space)". At Cricklade work to clear the floor at Hayes Knoll Lock is under way.

Letters to the Editor. These are from writers showing interest in various aspects of the Canal acivity. They include a reader who asks for map references to sites mentioned; a young school student who would like to do his Duke of Edinburgh award working on the canal; a walker who, seeing the work at Purton Road, now wishes to become a member.

No 105 Dragonfly Summer 2007

Cover Photo; 'Maiden Voyage' Jenny Stratton at Wootton Bassett Open Day (Wootton Bassett Branch)

The Reports by the Chairman and the Chief Executive both contain much comment on the recently delivered Cricklade County Way Lottery Application. The Chairman also oays tribute to recently retired Chaloner Chute, who has been project Officer for the Canal Partnership,

Easter Camp 2007: A description of the Camp which involved work at Seven locks and Steppingstones.

Bowood House Conference June 2007: Members of the Partnership met in June at Bowood as guests of Lord Lansdowne. The day was aimed at showcasing the progress of the canal along its entire length.

No 106 Dragonfly Autumn 2007

Cover Photo; Westleaze Swindon with a covering of weed ! (Richard Bellamy)

Chief Executive's report: Among other items this report looks at a number of proposals and projects in Swindon including the Town Centre

Abingdon has been re-activated as a separate branch

An appeal for any materials of interest to the Trust or its history

Letters to ( and replies from ) the Editor. Topics include; the Trust name; wildlife; the Canal route map; the W&B; stand at Fairford; historical points on the Canal at Swindon

No 107 Dragonfly Winter 2007/8

Cover Photo The Bonfire Bash 2007 at Moredon, Swindon (Gary Mason)

The Editor is very positive in spite of the Lottery Bid being unsuccessful. "If anything, people are more determined to make the Cricklade County Way happen." It also mentions the reactivation of the Abingdon Branch and the opening of the Trust Shop in Regent Street.

The Chairman notes that although the Lottery bid was not successful "the £250,000 development grant shared with our partners has moved us on by a tremendous amount". Among other advances cited is the publication of the Route Selection Report for Melksham

The Chief Executive reports continuing plans for the Cricklade County Way and the recent "Bonfire Bash" at Moulden Hill officially signalling the start of the project.

Around the Branches: Melksham, Calne & Chippenham branch reminds the reader of the several hundred metres of restored Canal at Calne, where annual boat trips are held. Steady progress is being made at Seven Locks in the Foxham & Lyneham section. At West Vale good progress on the Steppingstone Bridge restoration is being made. Apart from various work activities, East Vale reports that the lease over the stretch of the Canal at Childrey has now been completed.

Making the difference to Swindon Town centre: An article by Ken Oliver, Cheif Executive, of a proposal currently being examined of a Canal route from Kingshill to central Swindon.

WRG Bonfire Bush; A description of 145 navvies working at 5 sites.

No 108 Dragonfly Spring 2008

Cover Photo Anglers at Beavens Bridge (Richard Bellamy)

Pewsham benefits from growing support. Supporters contributed more than 3,000 hours of free labour in 2007. It is believed that such labour would have cost more than £35,000 if paid contractors had been used

Around the branches; Melksham, Calne & Chippenham has a piece on a visit by a ITV Crew to see the effects on the Pewsham to Lacock section which produced a "thoughtful and well balanced report" Concerns about Dunnington aqueduct at Wootton Bassett have promted work to be directed to that site. Permission for work parties at Dunnington has been granted to the end of March and some clearance work has already been done. The Swindon report includes information on the newly opened Trust Shop. East Vale gives information about 4 guided walks to be run as part of the Wantage Summer Festival.

No 109 Dragonfly Summer 2008

Cover Photo Latton Basin from junction bridge. Foreground, the filled aqueduct over the Mill Leat. Background, Basin Cottage and entrance to regulating Lock ( Doug Small)

Chief Executive's Report; This includes news that District Councils in Wiltshire will be merged into a single Unitary Authority. From April 2009 Wiltshire Council will be the singe local Authority partner for the whole Canal west of Swindon. There will be a need to secure the new Council's political support. Plans and proposals for Swindon are also discussed.

Easter Camp at Steppingstone Lane bridge. A detailed description of work on the bridge.

Around the Branches: A regular look at what's happening along the line. Apart from continuing work parties, participation in such events as Melksham Carnival and Chippenham Folk Festival is described in some detail. There is also a short article on a sponsored walk from Chippenham to Lacock. At Wootton Bassett the clearance task at Dunnington Aqueduct has been completed. Progress at the spillweir continues and details of the work are given.

No 110 Dragonfly Autumn 2008

Cover Photo Lock 4 complete (bar the wing walls) taken from lock 3 end ( Richard Bellamy)

Chairman's Report: Includes the retirement of the Membership Director, Christ Toms later this year, and the process of choosing a successor. He applauds Eileen McEever, the Environment Agency Representative on the W&B; Partnership, for her contribution to the success of the Abingdon Junction.

The Chief Executive writes of completions and future challenges in the restoration process. He thanks Roy Cartwright, Keith Walker and their team who have been running the information centre in Swindon, It is stressed that the new centre is about the whole Canal project, not just Swindon.

Membership is now 2103

Around the Branches: Apart from repair and maintenance work at Melksham, Calne & Chippenham there have been a number of events generating interest and publicity. Branch members have also worked at Seven Locks. Wootton Bassett have received a group of visitors from Hereford & Gloucester Canal. At Swindon there has been a grant of £10,000 for clearance of the Canal bed and tow path at Cheney manor. Cricklade have received a grant of £5000 towards restoring Hayes Knoll Lock.

Teenagers tackle canal restoration. Young Members of Melksham ATC Squadron have taken part in restoration work near Lacock, clearing undergrowth and canal bed to provide access for heavy machinery.

No 111 Dragonfly Winter 2008/9

Cover Photo New Westleaze Bridge (Gary Mason)

Slough comes to Swindon: An article by Roy Cartwright about a visit by Slough Councillors and the Friends of the Slough Canal.

The Chief Executive's report highlights the news that in November the Planning Inspectorate published the report on the Swindon BC's Central Area Action Plan. In terms of bringing the Canal into Swindon Town centre this was a major achievement for all involved.

Seeing is Believing; An article by Roy Cartwright emphaises the importance of restored structures and parts of the Canal in establishing the credibility of restoration

My Beloved Coate Water Roy Cartwright's memories of his childhood.

No 112 Dragonfly Spring 2009

Cover Photo Spring at Foxham (Ken Oliver)

The Chairman's Report gives details of Clare Guy's co-option to the Council of Management as Environment Director. Other posts under consideration are Grants & Contributions Co-ordinator and Trip Boat Development & Operations Manager.

In his report the Chief Executive notes a new opportunity for speeding up the restoration of W&B; Canal. Local Groups are to discuss the prospect of future severe floods occurring, and the Trust has been invited to join in these discussions because a restored canal could store or divert water flows.

Restoration News Part 1 Articles on completed and ongoing work with maps and photographs at Moredon Breathing Places, Wootton Bassett, (Bincknell Lane to Chaddington Lock) and Steppingstones Lane, Shrivenham

No 113 Dragonfly Summer 2009

Cover Photo: Cutting the Ribbon (Justin Guy)

The Chief Executive, Ken Oliver, speaks about his role in that post which he is about to leave to become Canal Officer with Wiltshire Council.

Duchess of Cornwall's Visit. An article describes this visit at which the Duchess opened the Naish Hill Double Bridge (see also Around the Branches) There is also considerable background information on those involved in the restoration of the bridge.

No 114 Dragonfly Autumn 2009

Cover Image: Destination Melksham! Town Bridge, mooring at the end of the Melksham Link ( Photo John Laverick)

The Chairman's Report includes comments on the 200th Anniversary of the opening of the Wilts & Berks Canal and especially on the Melksham Link Project, of which it is hoped that the first excavation can be made in 2010. He also points out that the Trust has a new Website. 3 volunteers have offered to organise and manage trip boat operations.

The Partnership Canal Officer's Report speaks of his new post and also about the Melksham Link.

The Melksham Link - A new junction at Semington Further details in a sepaarate full page article.

Around the Branches; Melksham, Calne & Chippenham Report brings out the importance of a variety of shows in which Branch Members took part. Foxham & Lyneham continued their work at Seven Locks, at one stage with the help of a Canal Camp. Canal dredging at Chaddington has occupied Wootton Bassett workers recently. Work along the line is reported from all other Branches.

No 115 Dragonfly Winter 2009

Cover Image; Trip Boats Damsel Fly and Willow at the Chippenham Folk Festival, with skipper Doug Harris and ship-mate Aaron Grant on Damsel Fly, and Martin Stubbs on Willow

Chairman's Report: This concerns the future of BW's properties. There was a tremendous early response to a petition against a government sell-off. The Government has issued a statement saying it wasn't immediately proposing to sell off BW property, but the future is still in doubt.

The Partnership Canal Officer writes about the Melksham Link, and various organisations who have recently joined the Partnership.

Trip Boat News; An article by Chris Coyle about the future of trip boats on the Wilts & berks Canal and the news that Tim Pyatt is now Operations Director for Trip Boats. There is also a call for volunteers who wish to become involved.

A BW view of the WBCT; An article by James Young ( Regeneration Manager South), substantially about BW's relationship with the Trust.

Letters to the Editor; Among these are responses to earlier comment on the importance of wildlife/biodiversity in the process of restoration

No 116 Dragonfly Spring 2010

Cover Image; Work starts on creating brand new canal at Wichelstowe near Swindon

The Chairman's Report bids farewell to Clare Guy, Environment Director, and welcomes Dr David Cook as Project Director East, John Gantlett as Land Negotiations Director and Matt Allard as Communications Director (taking over from Richard Bellamy). Also, details of the Trust's Office move are given.

The Partnership Canal Officer's Report welcomes Nationwide as a member. Also mentioned are the 200th Anniversary Celebrations at Wichelstowe and Melksham Link Project. It also points out the usefulness of the paperwork done for the unsuccessful Lottery bid.

Canal days in Swindon by Dr Eric Tull. A book review by Roy Cartwright.

Waterways World article on the Wilts & Berks is reported (full article)

Around the Branches; Activites in all areas are reported. From Melksham, Calne & Chippenham, 2 successful funding bids have been made. The Branch also won 2nd place in the Wiltshire Life Community Group Award. Among activities at Foxham & Lyneham has been clearance of the Canal channel at Lower Waite Farm, while work at Seven Locks continues. In Swindon Report mention is made of the work taking place at Wichelstowe. There is also a call for helpers in the shop, now an important focal point for information on the Canal, In East Vale regular work continues at Childrey and at West Vale the Canalside Park is being well used by a variety of Groups.

No 117 Dragonfly Summer 2010

Cover Image; The Trust's new boat becomes a reality

The Chairman's Report on Underwood Trust generous donation of £25000 allowing the Trust to purchase a brand new Trip Boat. A requirement to secure a green corridor right across Wiltshire, Swindon & Oxfordshire to provide a through route for a waterway, a cycleway, long distance footpath and wildlife trail. The Trust is looking for a new Environment Director.

The Partnership Canal Officer's Report Reports on the Melksham Link & the Cricklade Country Way. Speculates on funding changes after the General Election.

Good progress towards a major addition to the W&B; Trip Boat Fleet. Tim Pyatt reports.

Notice of AGM and copy of Financial Accounts for Year ending 31 March 2010

Wilts & Berks Canal revisited by Doug Small. A book review by Roy Cartwright.

Around the Branches; Activites in all areas are reported.

Retirement Ann O'Donoghue retired as Trust Administrator in July after 6 years of working for the Trust

No 118 Dragonfly Autumn 2010

Cover Image; HRH The Duchess of Cornwall pours the beer to name 'Dragonfly'

52 Page Bumper Issue of reports & pictures on 2 major events Firstly on 8th September HRH Duchess of Cornwall named the new Trip Boat 'Dragonfly' and also the symbolic cutting of the first sod of the proposed Melksham Link Waterway. Secondly the first ever Canal Festival in Swindon on 12th September

200 - Not Out A short resume by Doug Small, Trust Archivist, on the 200 years of the Canal.

200 Years of History A chronological Snapshort of time for the W&B; Canal by Roy Cartwright

Canalbed is cleared ready for the return of water for the first time in century Report on Progress at Pewsham.

Royal Garden Party Neil Rumpol, Vice President & Founder of the Trust, reports on his visit to Buckingham Palace

The IWA National Festival 2010 - Beale Park Report by Doug Small

Around the Branches; Activities in all areas are reported.

No 119 Dragonfly Winter 2010/11

Cover Image; Brand new canal at Wichelstowe, Swindon (photo courtesy of Bam Nuttall)

Partnership Canal Officer's Report Ken Oliver reflects on the past year and reports on the Melksham Link and the linking of Wootton Bassett to Swindon

Whichaway to the Thames 20?? A short reminiscences on the perceived routes to reconnect the W&B; canal into the River Thames at Abingdon 1990-2008 by Geof Austin 1st part article.

Book Review English Canals Explained by Stan Yorke - Review by Roy Cartwright.

Record-Breaking result for W&B; Walk Report on the April walk from Chippenham to Lacock.

nb Dragonfly (The boat not the magazine) Mike Lang gives us an update on how our boat is faring.

The Ippey Cut What, Where and Why ? Our Archivist Doug Small provides a possible answer.

Around the Branches; Activities in all areas are reported.

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