Cover Photo The "bluebox" container crossing the collapsed Steppingstone Bridge near Shrivenham (Orph Mable)
Chair Chat noted the restrictions imposed owing to Foot & Mouth disease. A further worry was the possibility that the lLandfill Tax Scheme might be abolished, although there is the possibility of other Government funding..."for worthwhile projects" !!
Wantage Wharf Crane. Thoughts and request for information on the Wantage tramway
Publicity Bits by Doug Small reports on the status of the Web Site and on the importance of background and archive information when the canal is re-opened.
Total Membership is now 1227
Press release. With the Crapper Company's latest contribution to the Swindon Branch the total now reaches over £108,000. Chairman Roger Crapper is being made a Vice-president of the Charity.
Landfill Tax Credit Scheme may end. Further details are given.
Cover Photo Celebrating the Partnership Launch; Left to Right Cllr Jenny Stratton (W&BCP; Chairman), Brian Atworth (NWDC Chairman), Lord Lansddowne, Tony Davy and Chaloner Chute (Project Officer) (Photo Doug Small)
Chair Chat: The Foot & Mouth outbreak has prevented work on the cut but other developments continue. The W&BC; Trust has now become the Partnership with much wider membership.
The Annual Report includes an overview of the year's activities and a list of restoration projects.
New Partnership and Patron: A report on the launching of the new Partnership with an address by the new President Lord Lansdowne. A list of organisations forming the Partnership is given.
Around the Branches: reports from Bath & Bristol, Melksham, Calne & Chippenham, Foxham & Lyneham, Wootton Bassett, Cricklade, Swindon, West Vale, and East Vale
Cover Photo The finished Purton Road Culvert on the North Wilts Canal Swindon (Peter Smith)
The IWA National Waterway Festival 2001 is the subject of an article by Tim Preece. It points out the value of the W&B; presence at this Festival.
Activities Around The Branches are reported, including Melksham's report on the good publicity value of the West Wiltshire 2001 Show at Trowbridge and the continuing importance of the Semington Boat Rally. Foxham & Lyneham report includes the need to work only one side of the lock to avoid dusturbing nesting wagtails. Wootton Bassett continue reconstruction work at Summit Lock, The recently established Cricklade branch report an increase in membership from 26 to 48 and that the River Key Aqueduct has been approved for grant by Entrust.
The Partnership Project Officer reports on the many negotiations and plans in the pipeline for future developments.
Cover Photo Summit Lock. Pouring concrete reinforcement for the chamber walls (Vic Miller)
The Editorial notes the bringing together in the magazine of branch officers, reports and restoration news. Also noted the way the branches help each other as well as work on their own projects.
2 Work Pictures: Seven Lock (Luke Walker) and Summit Lock (John Bower)
Chair Chat gives a number of interesting pieces of news, including highlights of branch activity, the change of Group name to the W&B; Canal Trust, and a mention in the House of Commons
Around the Branches produces lively reports. Bath & Bristol are out and about helping work parties along the line. Melksham report begins with the news "When the highway engineers next come to Queenfield Farm they will have an uninterrupted view of the canal in water". Foxham & Lyneham have been awarded £6000 of Landfill Tax funding from Viridor Waste Management. Wootton Bassett speaks of significant progress at Summit Lock, with help from other branches and working groups. There are a number of exciting activities and plans at Cricklade including good progress at the River Key Aqueduct. At Swindon, developments in the Front Garden Housing Project should ensure that the canal will be restored as part of the initial site development works. At Moredon the first new canal bridge on the W&B; has been completed. These reports together with those of the other branches make interesting reading.
The PR/Publicity Group reports on its various activities.
The Wiltshire Waterways Festival is to be held at Wootton Bassett in June 2002
Cover Photo Part of the newly dredged section at Foxham (Doug Small)
Chair Chat: IWAAC now have W&B; in their "Top 10" list of nationally significant projects. Funding organisations use the IWAAC Report as a reference. The importance of Studies is stressed and these must be carried out, but they are expensive.
Partnership News: Project Officer Chaloner Chute writes of the preparatory stages of work, the most important being the 3 major engineering studies to provide the routes at Cricklade, Melksham and Swindon, with Wootton Bassett and Abingdon hot on their heels. He emphasises the heavy costs of such work and fund raising strategy needed. An important issue is the contact and relationship with landowners. Much progress has been made here. Finally there are exciting new possibilities for boating on the canal.
Cover Photo Boats and canoes on the canal during the opening ceremony of the Wiltshire Waterways Festival at Wootton Bassett.
Annual Report of the W&B; Canal Trust includes an overview of the year's activities and restoration projects.
Around the Branches reports on activities along the line. It now includes the information on Branch Officers and work parties.
What the Papers Say: A look at what the local papers are saying about our canal by Justin Guy, Group Publicity Officer
Cover Photo The completed lift bridge at Foxham demonstrating it's ability to support the combined weight of F&L; Branch Chairman, Phill Cardy, Plant Officer, George Eycott and a Land Rover ! (Luke Walker).
The Editorial points out the excellent growth in membership recently.
Reports from Around the Branches give a regular look at what is happening along the line, events, negotiations & planning, maintenance & restoration work.
What the Papers say: report on an extremely successful event organised by the Melksham branch on the K&A; Canal. Enthusiastic members are looking forward to the day when they can hold their Annual Boat Rally on a restored waterway.
The Wilts & Berks Canal company: An article by the Company Chairman, Rachel Banyard on the current activities of the Company. This company was set up to restore sections of the W&B; Canal, develop canalside amenities - such as visitor's centres, marinas, undertake sensitive restoration and development of canalside sites
Cover Photo Clearance work continues at the site of Pewsham Locks near Chippenham.
Editorial: The main subject of this section was the merger of branches. East Vale and Abingdon have now merged and further merging might take place.
25th Anniversary Celebration: 64 people including 7 founder members were at a special dinner at Marsh Farm Hotel , Wootton Bassett on Friday 4th October to celebrate the anniversary of the formation of the W&B; Canal Trust ( formerly the Amenity Group).
Partnership News mainly contains thoughts on strategy, plans, reviews & consultation and the way the Trust & Partnership work together.
Cover Photo WRG 'Newbury Working Party Group at Summit Lock on 8th Feb
Chair Chat by Tony Davy
Around the Branches; Reports from along the line. Melksham branch and members from Calne & Chippenham have uncovered locks, a dry dock and saw pit at Pewsham over the winter and are looking forward to repairs and partial rebuild of the aqueduct at Forest farm. The section above Foxham Top Lock has been rewatered and a local landowner, Ian Chatterton, is boating on the section ! Work continues at Chaddington Lock at Wootton Bassett. Comment from East Vale is that "the canal from Culham to Childrey is still very well defined. There are no really difficult obstacles which cannot be overcome when money becomes available. We are looking forward to reconnecting Wantage to the Thames"
Partnership News focuses on the 5 major studies to determine the new Canal route at key locations, in Melksham, Swindon, Cricklade, Abingdon and Wootton Bassett.
Volunteers Please: A table of events and calls for volunteers to help with the Trust's display stand on these occasions.
Looking Back from the Future; An article by Doug Small on the importance of collecting archive material.
Cover Photo North Wilts MP James Gray (left) and WBCT Chairman Tony Davy (right) accompanied by Chaloner Chute and several WBCT Directors celebrate "Emily's" journeys end at Westminter
The Annual Report includes an overview of the Trust's activities during the year and a list of restorations projects.
Work Parties Important Organisational Changes: In these increasingly litigious times, the Trust has had to re-examine the way we run our work parties By Peter Smith Restoration Director.
Partnership News; An update on the studies, reports and plans that are being undertaken.
Emily's Voyage: An account of the recent voyage of the skiff Emily, from Bath to Westminster via K&A; Canal, the restored portions of the W&B; Canal, the Cotswold Canals Junction at Lechlade and then down the Thames to the Houses of Parliament. (Including Back Cover Picture)
Tales from the workshop (or "Rust'n Wreaks 'R' Us"); A series of tales from the plant management side of the Trust by George Eycott.
Cover Photo A trail-boat seemingly emerges from under Beavens bridge, Swindon, during a 'Thank you to HLF' ceremony
Chair Chat: Various appointments are noted, including a change of Chairman at Swindon.
Partnership news: Comment is made on the present round of studies nearing its end at Abingdon. The cost of studies is noted and the assocaited fund-raising needed. 1 year and 3 year action plans are set out.
Around the Branches reposts steady progress on a number of canal structures, including the completion of Chaddington Lock at Wootton Bassett. There is the first report of the newly formed Pewsey Branch.
BBC Radio Restoration Day: Friday 12th September was chosen by local radio stations as their day to focus on restoration in Wiltshire. Details are reported
Cover Photo the south face of the River Key aqueduct, near Cricklade, on the North Wilts Canal, showing the start of the new towpath wall.
Chair Chat: Notes that the Abingdon Study Report is due in February and its finding will be fed into local plans which should protect the chosen line from development. There have also been favourable reports from Melksham and Cricklade.
Canal Ramblings: Details of a circular walk round Lacock and Pewsham.
Tales from the Workshop: Another article in the regular series about the plant management side of the Trust
Cover Photo Three-ton JCB mini-digger, Blue, on loan to East Vale from IWA brings yet another section of our beloved canal back to life near East Childrey.
Editorial: Writing of the Chippenham / Lacock circular walk recently reported, the Editor notes that there is another walk around the Bowood Calne Branch area to be reported in the next issue. The hope is to eventually publish a book of walks all along the Canal and possibly to link them to form a full length walk.
Chair Chat. Funding from major sources is getting tighter. However, there have been 2 significate successes lately. North Wilts DC voted to give the Trust £30,000 to spend on capital projects within the district. A grant has been received from the Underwood Trust towards the cost of providing office premises and admin staff to support the Trust's activities.
Partnership News; With 6 major engineering reports now complete the implementation stage is to be considered. The strategic junctions at Melksham, Abingdon, Swindon and Cricklade/Latton are favoured as those to be started with.
Around the Branches reports on activities along the line, including current restoration information. There has been a merger of Melksham and Calne & Chippenham branch
Tales from the workshop: The cards they are a changing by George Eycott
Cover Photo Tony Davy, with his wife, Juanita, at Pewsham Locks during the opening ceremony of the Chippenham-to-Lacock Cycleway.
Tributes to Tony Davy the Trust Chairman who died on 27th June as the result of a stroke, from Graham Smith (Secretary) , Chaloner Chute (Partnership Project Officer ) and Ken Oliver (Chairman Elect).
Chair Chat announces the opening of the offical Trust Office in Wootton Bassett. It also reports the decision to investigate the possibility of forming an "Environmental Committee''
Annual Report 2003-4 includes the Chairman's Report, details of restoration projects and a list of the major member bodies of the Partnership.
What The Papers Say; A new guide has been produced allowing people to trace the steps of the W&B; Canal through Melksham.
Southern Canals Conference at Calne visited 3 work sites in the Calne area.
Letters to the Editor: A snapshot in time from Martin Boyden and Do we have dragonflies on the canal ? from Jenny Stratton
The planned new canal route for Cricklade. A sketch map and commentary are presented.
Cover Photo Members of the WRG Canal Camp at Calne Town Lock, 4th to 11th September (Editor Tim Preece)
Chair Chat: The first by the new Chairman, Ken Oliver. Among other items he mentions the Swindon Southern Development area (housing) which will include the Canal, and the strategy of acquiring canal line as a priority.
Around the Branches reports on work all along the line. For example, in the Melksham , Calne & Chippenham Branch, work on the Calne town Lock has generated much interest. At Foxham & Lyneham work at 7 Locks continues as does that at Chaddington Lock in Wootton Bassett. At Cricklade work is finished on the north wall of the River Key Aqueduct and further work is planned. The Southern development area of Swindon is likely to produce millions of pounds in contributions to W&B; restoration.
British Waterways - Waterways 2025 is a document outlining BW's vision for the waterways network by 2025. It includes W&B; as one of the 18 restoration projects they wish to support over the next 20 years.
Cover Photo the recently excavated 'Hayes Knoll Lock' on the North Wilts Canal (Dave Warren).
Editorial: The Editor, Tim Preece bids farewell after 8 years and welcomes his successor, Richard Bellamy.
Chair Chat By Ken Oliver
Around the Branches continues to report activities along the line with such encouraging comments as "Hayes Knoll Lock is now ours and pushes the Canal 2 miles closer to Swindon" (Cricklade Report), and Wenow have a new section of Canal upon which we will be able to run trips on 'Poineer' during the summer, (Swindon).
Canal Ramblings 2; A Wilts & Berks Canal Circular Walk. Pewsham to Calne, compiled by Bristol Branch
Cover Photo; Chaddington Lock from bridge side. Wootton Bassett March 2005 (Peter Smith)
Partnership News speaks of future strategy including 'Flagship Schemes' ie in areas which provide key junctions and links to the rest of the waterways, allowing early traffic and visitors, and revenue streams. Chaddington Lock, which had solid Partnership funding, will be opened in April. Later a full article and pictures
Membership is now 1724
Cover Photo; Weed cutting in the Wootton Bassett stretch of the W&B; Canal (Peter Smith)
Around the Branches reports activities from all sections of the line. Bath & Bristol who do sterling work at various places. At Foxham & Lyneham work continues on Locks 3 and 4 of Seven Locks. Wootton Bassett were looking forward to the Topping out ceremony at Chaddington Lock. (An article on the same topic by Challoner Chute, Partnership Project Officer, is featured later in the edition). Cricklade reports work on the River Key Aqueduct with photographs
Walk the Wilts & Berks 2005; Following the success of the first sponsored walk in 2004, this year's walk took the same route from Chippenham to Lacock
Cover Photo; Keith, David & Rob (Foxham & Lyneham) at the tail walls of Lock 3 ( David Tarrant)
The usual 'Chair Chat' is to be replaced for the next few editions with some outlines of the Trust's 10 Year Plan. Here an overview of the Plan and an assessment of the Trust's capabilities.
Around the Branches includes details and photographs of work on Locks 3 and 4 (Seven Locks) in Foxham & Lyneham's section. Wootton Bassett report stresses the importance of maintenance on restored sections. The writer, John Bower, believes "we should not restore any section unless we can maintain it afterwards". At West Vale successful work has been done to re-build part of the collapsed Childrey wharf.
A new future for Grove & Wantage; An article about the campaign to secure canal restoration through Grove and Wantage.
Trust Short listed for £100,000 Grant by IWA; The Trust's project plan submitted is for a new junction with the Thames near Culham Cut.
Cover Photo; A photomontage of how the new junction might look where it crosses the field and enters the lake beyond the hedge. Martin Buckland and IWA Archives , Photomontage Jenny Buckland
10 Year Plan Towards Restoration 2014. The North Wilts Canal; Ken Oliver, Trust Chairman writes the second of a number of articles. which focuses on North Wilts and refers to Lottery Funding
Partnership News gives details of a bid for Lottery Funding
IWA Diamond Jubilee Grant; A short article on the New Thames Junction Proposals ( See also Map on centre pages)