No 41 Dragonfly March 1991

Cover Picture: View from Grove Top Lock towards Lime Kiln Lock Jan 1991

WestEnd: A detailed report on the new Hypoazomatic boat.

Melksham reports that they have sought permission from all the land owners from the K&A; to Lacock for an Engineering Study along the proposed route. Only one said no.

ChairChat: An interesting overview of current activities and future hopes from Peter Scatchard, Chairman of the Group.

EastEnd: Substantial achievement at Grove and Limekiln Locks.

No 42 Dragonfly June 1991

Cover Picture The Hypozomatic boat on the Canal at Calne - May Bank Holiday 1991 which proved very popular with local children.

W&B; needs you: Call for members to get more involved.

What's in a Name: Discussion of possible new version of the Group's Name

WestEnd: The Consultation process on the possible new route between the K&A; and Lacock has started. Plans for the use of the new boat.

Melksham; Publicity and efforts to gain local support

Calne: Duckweed and dead fish, fishing platforms, Natural History Unit of BBC and planting of wild flowers are all reported. Also news from Dauntsey, Foxham & Lyneham Branches

No 43 Dragonfly September 1991

Cover Picture: New W&B; Canal Bouncy Castle owned by Calne Branch in use for the first time at Calne Open day 1st Sept 1991

WestEnd: Items on Dauntsey Lock study and Melksham Waterway

Central Section: A Report from Swindon with walks, work and various negotiations. The Wootton Bassett Report outlines the large amount of work to be done at Templars Firs.

No 44 Dragonfly January 1992

Cover Picture: Rebuilding Childrey New Road Wharf on the Sunday of the BIg-Dig

In Chair Chat the Wilts & Berks 'Big Dig' is described in detail. An important visit by IWA is also reported.

The Linear Park Concept in relation to Canal restoration

New Departmental Structure is outlined

Damsel-Fly Afloat (Or Aloft?): The usefulness and versatility of the new Hypozomatic boat is described

Workparties report : The report gives a good overal view of the work in hand on all parts of the canal

A Year in the Life of the Bristol & Bath branch: A Report from the Saltford Marina where the group meet and about their work at Foxham

No 45 Dragonfly Spring 1992

Cover picture: Foxham Top Lock nearing completion with the team that built it.

Chair Chat focuses on the need for redressing the balance between those who are willing to work on the physical aspects of restoration and those (the smaller number) who are willing to help in handling the administrative burden.

New logo for the Group: Nick Clements produces suggestions for a new logo

Chippenham & Calne News Reports

The Foxham report: Work at Foxham is proceeding at a steady pace and if finance permits they hope to have the Foxham Elm, Farm Section in water in 18 months time

Wootton Bassett: Various events and work activities are reported.

The Council members Report gives an overview of current & future developments.

No 46 Dragonfly Summer 1992

Cover Picture: The Calne Canal Day August Bank Holiday

Editor Required: "This edition of Dragonfly has been pasted up at the last minute....There is so much going on within the Group that it is a shame that this cannot be properly documented....If you can help please contact us."

Chair Chat: presents a number of topics including a statement that the Group has been offered a reasonably substantial section of canal free of charge

The Project Officer: Outlines important work and plans including 3 sites which have been dredged.

No 47 Dragonfly December 1992

Cover Picture: Grove Common Lock Tail Bridge. Brian Gower and team during the WRG Summer Camp, just before replacing the earth on the concrete arch.

Letters to the Editor includes a message from the Archivist.

Chair Chat speaks of the AGM, very well attended and with unusually good feedback, and of the need for balance between practical restoration and the planning and expert input that must preced it.

Project Officer's Report looks to the future under a number of headings;

Strategy developing links with local authorities and statutory bodies;

Demonstrating benefits of restoration by restoring sections of the canal;

Making contact with local commerce and other potential sources of finance.

Work Parties Report: The progress and problems of various projects

No 48 Dragonfly March 1993

Cover Photo: Hugh Sayce tackles a newly-laid hedge at Templars Firs, Wootton Bassett

Chair chat: Includes the selection and appointment of a full-time Project Officer, Honorary Life Memberships for John Henn and Neil Rumbol, and the effect of the Wantage / Abingdon area proposed Reservoir on future Canal work (See also article pages 13 and 14)

Letters to the Editor; Among these are a letter from John Henn, retiring Projects Officer, and one from the Chairman of IWA Restoration Committee entitled Credibility.

Water - The Vital ingredient: An article by Paul Darby around the need for careful thought about water supplies for the restored W&B; Canal

Foxham: The Upper Lock has been completed.

No 49 Dragonfly June 1993

Cover Picture: A rather full very pretty canal at Challow, near Wantage. Taken during the IWA Oxon Walk in January 1993

How It All Began Company Secretary Neil Rumbol looks over the years to the formation of the Amenity Group Part 1 (Part 2 in Dragonfly No 51)

Around the Branches: Reports from Abingdon, East Vale,West Vale, Swindon, Wootton Bassett & Melksham

Restoration Round - Up; A brief look at what is happening at the various restoration sites. Further details in the branch reports.

Project Officer's Report: The new Project Officer, Paul Pennycook introduces himself and presents his first report.

No 50 Dragonfly September 1993

Cover Photo: Desmond Mottram looks on while the Major of Thamesdown, Councillor Doreen Hart, studies a map of the Moredon Underpass with Peter Scatchard. (Photo courtesy of Wiltshire Newspapers Ltd)

Restoration Round-Up contains general information and Work Party Reports from Wootton Bassett and Foxham.

Around the Branches reports on what has been happening along the line

No 51 Dragonfly December 1993

Cover Photo: Luke Walker (front) and Peter Smith finish the brickwork on the nearly-completed culvert at Wootton Bassett (Photo Allan Winrow)

Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting to alter the Articles of Association.

Fundraising: Co-ordinator Sue Liebow reviews the year's fundraising activities and looks ahead to the next challenge.

Around the Branches: It is interesting to see, for example, in the Foxham report how Landowners are working on and around the canal restoration sites, and how the Bath & Bristol branch are helping at Foxham

Years of Consolidation ? Having described the formation and first year of the Group (Dragonfly No 49) Neil Rumpol looks at the challenges facing the embryonic Group in the second part of his series. (Part 3 in Dragonfly No 53)

No 52 Dragonfly March 1994

Cover photo: Bob Airey and digger in the entrance to Grove Top Lock, February 1994 (Photo - Ian Graham)

Chair Chat: An interesting overview of current status of restoration work on all parts of the line and problems and hopes for the future.

Moredon Canal A brief look at Swindon's newest recreation site.

Project Officer's Report - Mainly about sources of funds

No 53 Dragonfly June 1994

Cover Photo: Desmond Mottram receiving a cheque for £1500 from Burmah Castrol's Roger Mepstead at the IWA Weekend at Moredon in March (Photo courtesy of Burmah Castrol)

Boats to Lacock In the final part of his potted history of the Group, Neil Rumbol looks back at the last decade and brings us up to the present day. (Previous parts in Dragonfly 49 and 51)

Restoration Round-Up: A brief look at activities at the various restoration sites with reports from Work Parties at Foxham and Swindon.

Canal into Highway - Fleming Way, Swindon. An article by E.V.Tull and K, Walter and shows the line of the Wilts and Berks Canal through Swindon Town Centre.

Around The Branches: News from along the line including the completion of 3/4 mile of 'real' canal at West Vale. Another success was the Official opening of the East Vale Elm Farm section on May Bank Holiday Monday

No 54 Dragonfly September 1994

Cover photo: Trip-boat 'Damselfly' makes the return journey through Bonds Mill Lock on the Thames & Severn canal (Photo Dawn Parsons)

Chair Chat: In his last 'Chat' before his retirement as Chairman, Peter Scatchard covers a range of topics, including the importance of landowner communication, the value of getting restored sections in water as soon as possible, and successful restoration and on-going projects.

The Project Officer's Report includes a section on fundraising and the importance of studies to back fund requests, although the studies themselves are costly

No 55 Dragonfly December 1994

Cover Photo: Kevin Last (Calne Branch WPO) gets into spirit (and costume) of things at the annual Canal Day Event - see Calne branch Report (Photo Ann Last)

Chair Chat; The new Chairman Desmond Mottram, writes his first 'Chair Chat' including the completion of the 'Allen & Harris Report' on the Canal, the need for safety guidelines at work sites and a look at future plans.

Membership News. "By the time you read this the Group should have enrolled its 1000th member since it was formed in 1979.

Allen & Harris Report

Newbury Show: A Report on the Show "Of the proceeds £70+ went to the Group for sales items, £120 for teas, cakes & other handicraft items and a £20 donation paying for the marquee"

Around the Branches - What's been happening along the line, including a statement on the vital importance of maintenance in the Calne report, further dredging at Wootton Bassett

Tockenham reservoir: Archivist Gerry Townsend describes a visit to the reservoir and valve tunnel Map West to East 16 Hart Farm

No 56 Dragonfly March 1995

Dragon-Fly becomes Dragonfly !

Cover Photo: Scrub bashing at Dauntsey.

Around the Branches looks at what is happening along the line, including Wootton Bassett which now has 1000 yards of Canal and Swindon West Leaze which has a length of canal which will shortly be filled with water. The Foxham report announces that completion of the Elephant Spillway. They also assisted the East Vale Branch with their bridge at Grove Common Lock which is now completed. Bath & Bristol branch, although not located on the canal, continue to work at other W&B; Canal sites.

Vice Chair Chat which reports that Desmond Mottram, who only recently became chairman, has stood down for various reasons and that a new Chairman is needed.

Restoration Round - Up continues to report work in progress and planned

No 57 Dragonfly June 1995

Cover Photo: Wootton Bassett - 'showing what we are working for !'

Chair- Chat: This is the first report by the new chairman Graham Johnson.

Restoration Round - Up: Includes work in hand and information about regular work parties.

IWA Restoration Committee: An article about the remit of this committee.

Among The Letters section are a light hearted one about the haul of bottles dredged up at East Vale, comments by Luke Walker on a Feasibility study, and thoughts arising from a view of the recently restored W&B; at Wootton Bassett.

"Memories"; Comments, by Revd Dr FWT Fuller on Dr Eric Tull's book "Canal days in Swindon"

Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment by CanalGen. The 1st of 22 Part Series Part 1 Alder and Alderfly

No 58 Dragonfly Autumn 1995

Photo: Wootton Bassett Canal Open Day 19th August 1995

Chair Chat speaks of the intention to commission a full professional feasibility study of the restoration of the canal. It also points out the significance of the new Construction Regulations which now govern Health & Safety aspects of all signicant construction works.

In Around the Branches there is the usual review of branch activities including the cruising of a narrowboat on the restored section of canal at Wootton Bassett on Open Day

So Do We Want To Restore The Wilts & Berks Canal For Navigation ? A number of letters and replies from the Editor discuss the Feasibility Studies and their funding.

Pictures from the Past: Telford Road looking north west now Cheney Manor Road Swindon and from Telford Bridge looking north west - now a trading estate. Both 1912

Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment by CanalGen Part 2 Brambles, Butterflies and Birds

No 59 Dragonfly Winter 1995

Cover Picture: Grove Common lock Tailbridge

Back Cover Abingdon Branch clearance work in the area of Drayton Lock and the new Group marquee in use at the K&A; Working Boat Rally

Editorial points out a variety of advertisements in the Issue, helping with the cost of the Magazine.

Chair Chat. The main item is that N.Wiltshire DC has agreed to join the Group in discussions aimed at establishing a 'Trust' to further the restoration of the Canal. Other local authorities and interested parties would be invited to join.

Developments Around The Branches are the completion of the Chaveywell Bridge at Calne, work at West Leaze section in Swindon, and the first ever work site (Drayton Lock) at Abingdon.

Dauntsey Lock Canalside. 4 members of the Group plus a property professional have purchased 11/2 miles of canal and associated land and buildings at Dauntsey forming a company to undertake sensitive canalside developments and finance restoration of parts of the Canal.

Shrivenham Canalside Pocket Park is a project proposed in connection with Canal restoration in the area.

Conservation Corner :A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment by CanalGen Part 3 Caddis-Fly, Carp,Catkin and Comfrey

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